
Platform Description

We designed NewsLynx around two sets of tasks where staff found difficulties:

  1. Managing an event-tracking workflow while juggling other responsibilities.

  2. Understanding what it means for a story to “do well” and what happened to cause that.

NewsLynx has two main interfaces: a workflow-management tool for collecting and organizing indications of impact (mostly done in a section called the Approval River) and a section for analyzing stories’ impact where comparisons and related metrics can be seen.

Below is a diagram of the site layout. The next sections will go into detail about our impact framework and each of the platform’s interfaces. For a more technical walkthrough and code repositories, please see our GitHub:

*Recipes*: Bots that automatically flag impact indicators from
external services.*Approval River*: Users manage content coming into the
system from recipes; meaningful impact indicators are then attached to
stories as “impact events.”*Subject Tags*: Free-text labels to describe
the content of stories.*Impact Tags*: Free-text labels to describe
impact within an impact framework to allow for grouping and