
Where NewsLynx Fits - Incorporating Qualitative and Quantitative

While there are many current efforts to address the challenges of capturing the quantitative and qualitative impacts of media, there remains a clear need for a comprehensive platform that incorporates these disparate data streams while remaining relatively agnostic about which metrics are viewed. While Chalkbeat’s MORI is an attempt to do just this, its designers have an unusually high level of understanding about their organization’s content and goals, which many newsrooms do not share. MORI does exist as a WordPress plugin, which is likely the best choice if one wants to make a plugin that the maximum number of newsrooms could use, but requiring CMS integration can hinder adoption in many organizations. MIP’s Measurement System promises a similar platform, but it’s still in active development. We designed and built NewsLynx as an attempt to address needs in the present. By framing it as a research project conducted in the open, we hope to share our successes and failures so as to help the media impact community move forward.