Instagram Live

Instagram Live (██)

Instagram Live is a new feature available on the Instagram mobile app that allows for users to live-stream to their followers. The feature was launched in December 2016 in the US and was slowly rolled out to other regions across the globe.

Pros Cons
Can be used with other Instagram features such as filters, commenting, liking, etc. Cannot share live feed with others
Unlimited streaming Not suitable for projects that require high production capability
No archival; live footage needs to saved to the device by users.


Instagram Live users tend to be young (largest segment is 20 and under.


Please look at the Instagram subsection under Distribution Tools > Photo.


Please look at the Instagram subsection under Distribution Tools > Photo.


Metrics are very limited as Instagram live is new. Users can see how many others are currently watching their stream.

Additional resources

Tutorial\/help: How I share a live video? and How do I view someone's live video?

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