
LinkedIn (█)

LinkedIn is a social network for professionals. Users can post stories to their
personal pages or on LinkedIn groups.

Pros Cons
Good for targeting niche audiences, particularly people interested in business and technology stories Less useful for general audiences.
Authors are easy to find and contact; good for freelancers Most users don’t tend to check in as frequently as they do with other social platforms.
Blog posts can get lost in the noise


LinkedIn has 467 million users in more than 200 countries. LinkedIn
users are older overall than users of other social platforms. Like Twitter, it skews male.


Navigating to LinkedIn's "Settings & Privacy" page, and then to the "Privacy" subsection gives users a whole host of options around managing their public profile, blocking and hiding followers, as well as privacy & advertising settings.


Supports Two-Factor Authentication: Yes

LinkedIn's "Two-step verification" setting is buried under the "Privacy" section of "Settings & Privacy". Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, to enable this setting, which needs users to provide phone numbers.

Case studies


The book industry blog Publishing Perspectives cross-posts articles to its LinkedIn group
, which has more than 3,800 members and also serves as a job-board and
discussion forum.

Additional resources

Tutorial\/help: Up and Running with LinkedIn

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